You’re Not ‘Lost’—

You’re in the Gap Between Who You Were & Who You’re Becoming

Why This Feeling of “Being Lost” Isn’t Actually a Problem

“I don’t know what I want anymore.”

“I feel like I should have things figured out by now.”

These thoughts echo in the minds of countless women, especially as we navigate the ever-shifting landscape of modern life. If you’ve ever felt like you’re wandering through life without a clear direction, grappling with a sense of “lostness,” you’re not alone. (I can’t count how many times I have gone through this thought cycle.)

We are obsessed with achievement (at least in the US) and expect everything to happen linearly. However, life isn’t like that. Being human means not being always sure, much to the chagrin of self-help gurus who glorify clarity and certainty. It’s not a sign of failure to be uncertain.

Have you considered this in-between space a crucial and beautiful part of the journey? What if you are where you’re supposed to be?

These “lost” moments signal your next evolution is taking shape.

Think of it like shedding an old skin

Better yet, think of it like a dress from 15 years ago that is out of style. You never want to wear it again, yet let it occupy your closet space just in case you need it someday. 

It’s time to shop for a new dress that brings out your radiant, current version. You may not be sure which dress suits you yet, but that’s the fun of wandering the racks and trying on different shapes and styles.

  • Feeling uncertain, directionless? Your North Node represents the direction your soul is yearning to grow towards—even before your conscious mind fully grasps it. It's a compass pointing towards your future self.

    🔎 Check your North Node sign & house—what themes are emerging for you now? What qualities are you being invited to embody?

    Click here to learn more about the North Node


The Identity Gap: Why You Feel “Lost” When You’re Actually in Transition

Every time you outgrow an old version of yourself – whether it's a career, a relationship, or even a set of beliefs – there’s bound to be a phase where you don’t fully know the next iteration. It’s like standing on a bridge between two lands—one you’ve explored and conquered and one you haven’t yet reached.

That feeling of being unmoored, untethered, like floating in a void? It’s not failure—it’s where reinvention, transformation, and, ultimately, magic happens.

Your usual markers of identity—your job, ambitions, personal style, even your closest friendships—might suddenly feel…off.

This is precisely why the “stuck” feeling can feel so overwhelming.

The identity markers you knew might not resonate anymore, but you don’t yet have the new ones in place.

It’s the emotional equivalent of wearing shoes two sizes too small while simultaneously trying to shop for new ones.

Uncomfortable? Absolutely. Necessary? Without a doubt.

  • Feeling the urge to shake things up and rewrite the rules, particularly if you’re in your late 30s and early 40s? That’s Uranus, the planet of rebellion and innovation, shaking things up and prompting a major life review. This transit can be a powerful catalyst for change but it can feel unsettling.

    🔎 Look at where Uranus is transiting your chart—what area of life is being restructured? What’s ready to be disrupted and reimagined?

    Click here to learn more about Uranus Oppositions


Reframing the Gap: What If You’re Not Stuck—You’re Just in the Messy Middle?

Many of us are conditioned to believe that we should always be moving forward, always knowing what’s next, and always having a five-year plan.

But transformation, authentic, deep transformation, isn’t a straight line—it’s a spiral, a dance, a cycle of shedding, growing, and becoming. A vital part of that cycle inevitably involves uncertainty, discomfort, and yes, even feeling “lost.” I know, it is NOT comfortable.

Instead of seeing this as a crisis or a personal failure, what if you saw it as a phase of expansion?

Allow yourself to explore and play without the pressure of having all the answers. Take a small step before demanding certainty.

Uncertainty is not failure. It is a potent sign of expansion. It means you’re stretching beyond your comfort zone, reaching for something bigger.

It means you're on the verge of something extraordinary.

  • Every year, around your birthday, the Sun returns to the exact degree it was at your birth. Your Solar Return chart offers a fresh perspective, a new theme for the year ahead.

    🔎 Look at your current Solar Return chart—what new identity themes are being highlighted for you? What areas of growth are being emphasized?

    Click here more about Solar Returns


Action Steps: How to Navigate the In-Between Without Losing Confidence

🛠 Try This:
Name what’s ending—What part of your old identity no longer fits?
Look for clues about what’s emerging—What excites or intrigues you, even if it doesn’t make sense yet?
Give yourself a permission slip to experiment—Clarity comes from action, not overthinking.

The key is to shift from needing certainty to trusting exploration. Your future self isn’t waiting for you to figure everything out first—she’s waiting for you to take the next step.

You’re Not Lost—You’re Evolving

You are not behind. You are not failing. You are growing. Every major reinvention requires a messy middle. The in-between is not a dead zone—it’s where your next chapter begins.

💬 What would change if you trusted this phase instead of fighting it?


Solar Returns