
Jul 4


Rosie B.

filed: Travel

from the desk of


Jul 4

When is the last time you stopped to think about the kind of vacation you really need?

No, not the vacation you think would be fun for the kids or the one your Aunt Sally wants you to come on. The one that your soul is craving, the one that aligns with your goals based on your values and current needs for connection.

Let me explain.

I’ve been reflecting on how we often default to certain kinds of vacations with the same people, repeatedly, without taking the time to tune into where we are in life and what we truly need.

Example: Every year you take one vacation with your immediate family or partner and then two more vacations with extended family. You enjoy them, but you’re feeling disconnected from your best friends. What you really would love is a girls’ weekend to catch up on everyone’s lives and let loose a bit.

Don’t go on three family vacations this year when what you really need is at least one trip with your besties. Maybe it’s a weekend in Sonoma wine tasting or a relaxing stay at Blackberry Farm in Tennessee. Perhaps it’s even a trip to Italy to hunt for the best gelato in the country. (Who’s in for that?!)

We need to start thinking about what our soul is craving and plan travel accordingly.

My new approach to travel is:

What do I need right now?

Assess your current state of mind, body, and spirit. Are you feeling stressed and need relaxation? Are you feeling disconnected and crave social interaction? Or perhaps you feel adventurous and want to explore new places? Understanding your current needs is the first step in planning a fulfilling vacation.

Who do I need to travel with to fulfill that need?

Consider the people in your life who can best support your current needs. If you need relaxation, maybe a solo retreat or a trip with a partner is ideal. If you need connection, a trip with friends or family members who uplift you might be best. The right travel companions can make all the difference in how rejuvenated you feel after the trip.

What locations are best suited to meet those needs for me and my travel partner(s)?

Research destinations that cater to your needs and those of your travel companions. If you’re seeking relaxation, look for serene retreats or beach destinations. For adventure, explore places known for their outdoor activities and cultural experiences. And if you need to reconnect with friends or family, consider destinations that offer opportunities for bonding and shared experiences. Here’s an idea: get an AstroTravel reading!

I’ll be honest: I make this sound easier than it is. Life’s demands can make it challenging to prioritize your own needs, but it’s crucial to carve out time for self-reflection and intentional planning.

Start Small:

You don’t need to overhaul your entire travel routine overnight. Begin by incorporating one trip a year that is solely focused on what you need. Gradually, you can adjust your travel plans to better align with your evolving needs and desires.


Be open with your loved ones about your travel goals. They might be more understanding and supportive than you expect. You might even inspire them to reflect on their own travel needs.

Stay Flexible:

Your needs might change, and that’s okay. Be willing to adjust your plans and try new things. Flexibility is key to discovering what truly rejuvenates and fulfills you.

Your next adventure should be about more than just a destination; it should be about fulfilling what your soul needs most. By asking yourself these three questions, you can plan trips that not only provide a change of scenery but also rejuvenate and reconnect you to what matters most in your life.

So, what do you need right now?

Who do you need to travel with?

And where will you go to meet those needs?

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